Falling Deeper in Love:  Techniques for Fostering Loving Relationships

Falling Back in Love: A Journey for Committed Couples   

Over half of marriages end in divorce. Why?  While there are many factors in today's complex society and busy lifestyle, but this is not a death sentence for your marriage or relationship. The good news is love is still alive and well, and can be cultivated and grown abundantly. A deeply committed relationship is where each partner is part of a whole that functions like a gold medal team, with security and respect, which also allows enough room for growth, creativity, and passion. Is this possible? Absolutely!  But does a good relationship look this way all the time? Not always, but with intention and follow-through, many couples can rekindle the dimmed flame of passion and mystery a good part of the time.

Psychotherapy and marriage counseling are two wonderful ways to help work through problems, but there is also a complementary approach. The approach that Jane uses works through the right brain: imagination, intuition, feeling, guided meditation and imagery.

Through her work as an intuitive Jane helps analyze the “energy dynamic” between couples; then she helps each to shift their thinking and approach toward the marriage and their partner. Jane draws upon what she refers to as ancient technology, to shift people’s consciousness from the everyday world to a higher perspective. She incorporates traditions of Shamanism to guide couples on a journey of soul retrieval -- collecting the pieces and parts of the psyche that were inadvertently left in past trauma, damage and abandonment. Second, she focuses on opening the heart using a Buddhist meditation called Metta, loosely translated as Loving-kindness. Next, Jane teaches couples the over 5,000-year old Hindu practice of breathing, a technique grounded in Kundalini yoga that emphasizes awakening the life-force energy & the oneness of the couple through “entrainment.” In the final process, Jane uses guided meditation and remote viewing to help couples project themselves into a potential future where there is harmony, creativity and reverence within a committed and beautiful relationship. A technique of tethering to that future and bringing it back to the current moment helps participants focus on their goal and realize them.  After each session, Jane provides the art supplies for each couple to draw what they have experienced through the right-brain using symbols, images and colors.

  • The Summary - Relationship is a sacred union and the ultimate spiritual journey. Love is a mystery to be invited in to the field beyond right and wrong. I help couples find their way there.

  • The Approach - Jane uses works through the right brain;  imagination, intuition, feeling, guided meditation, and imagery. Jane draws upon what she refers to as ancient technology, to shift people’s consciousness from the everyday world to a higher perspective. After each session, Jane provides the art supplies for each couple to draw what they have experienced through the right-brain using symbols and colors.

    The Steps: 

    1. Relationship Detox - Jane incorporates the 100,000 year-old tradition of Shamanism to guide couples on a journey of soul retrieval -- collecting the pieces and parts of the psyche that were inadvertently left in past trauma, argument, and abandonment.

    2. Open Heart - Second, Jane focuses on opening the heart using an ancient Buddhist meditation called Metta, loosely translated as Loving-Kindness.

    3. Entrain With Your Beloved -  Next, Jane teaches couples the 5,000-year old Hindu practice of Tantric breathing;  a technique grounded in Kundalini yoga that emphasizes the oneness of the couple through “entrainment.” 

    4. Intend - Jane uses guided meditation and remote viewing to help couples project themselves into a potential future where there is harmony, creativity, and reverence within a committed and beautiful relationship. A technique of tethering to that future and bringing it back to the current moment helps participants focus on their goal and realize it.  

Q & A:

How did you come to develop this?   "In my regular business of being a professional intuitive, I was naturally drawn into the subject of relationships by my clients needs. I was saddened by how many couples were living distinctly separate and lonely lives within the same marriage. Romantic love seemed to have snuck out the back door, while they were taking care of the kids, working, or just consumed by electronics. I noticed that with techniques I was using in classes and workshops I could focus them towards creating a more harmonious relationship for committed couples. I was very excited at the prospect of helping an intact family stay that way. And it seemed to work more often than not."  

As an intuitive, how are you able to see the couple’s “energy dynamic.”   "When I do an intuitive reading, I see symbols and access knowledge beyond my rational mind. I share this preliminary information with my clients until I'm satisfied that I have accessed accurate and sufficient detail, such as specific events, conversations and locations, beyond my rational ability to know.  Then I share what I see intuitively with the couple, approaching the information from a respectful, nonjudgmental and reverent perspective. I am careful to present the dynamic as only what is current at that time. What is most exciting is that by releasing negative perceptions and embracing a positive attitude, unity, etc., I see people's potential for a successful outcome change dramatically. With the shift of perception and thought patterns, I see people's energy field’s change in real time. People start to see where once there was an impasse, now it is easily navigated. It is very exciting when a couple that is at an impasse, shift into a copasetic place, especially if there are children involved. Happy family is a beautiful thing."

What is different about your approach?  "I use a variety of ancient practices, or ancient technology  to achieve a high state of consciousness and a loving environment. This creates an “open field” where the couple can meet beyond right and wrong.   To quote Rumi  '… ensuring the greatest opportunity for the reality of their love for each other to surface naturally and organically.'  But ironically, the process to reach the right brain requires a mechanistic (structured) approach to sneak up on the logical left brain and circumvent it;  allowing for the master within the individual to step forward and take control: the heart."

What is a right brain approach?   "The right brain is home to creativity, imagination, intuition, the arts, rhythm, feeling, visualization and dreaming. By circumventing the left brain, which can be clever and deceptive and perpetually analytic, the heart can be emphasized, and love can be allowed to prosper and grow more easily.

Are you a therapist? No I am not, and what I do is not talk therapy or any therapy. It is experiential. And there is nothing special about me, I am just showing up and doing my best work. I create the “container” and the process for the couple to find each other through the “fog,” and hopefully arrive at the field beyond right and wrong. In the end, it is up to them as to whether they choose to invite love into that field, their lives, and meet each other in unity… all I can do is help them.

Can people do this themselves, or do they need you?  Yes, people can absolutely do it on their own. I have a free Metta meditation download, and ALL the information is out there on the web.