Journey To Lost Continent Of Atlantis, Hypnosis Adventure

This class was recorded by Jane de Forest hosted by New Renaissance Bookshop. It is a presentation & guided self hypnosis, using writing and art to document your journey into the lost continent of Atlantis.

Legend or fact? Throughout history from Plato to Edgar Casey, Atlantis has fascinated people … inspiring multiple stories, books & movies. After being engulfed the sea thousands of years ago, Atlantis is rising again …. in peoples hearts, dreams and imagination.

Perhaps this story is more than myth, if so, we are the living legacy of this antediluvian civilization. Did you once live in this mysterious & advanced culture in a past life? From Jane’s personal investigation with hypnotic regression and psychic readings, she has discovered multiple past lives in a very real Atlantis, both for herself and her clients.

But don't take anyone else’s word for it, come find out for yourself! Kick back & relax & enjoy the ride ;-)

If you are interested in sharing your discoveries, I’ve compiled a list of questions that correspond with the trip below. Please share written travel description and drawings of Atlantis to Hivemind1122 (at) or enter into “Atlantian Answers” submission bos & we will post them on my website

Thank you & blessings,


The list of questions that correspond with your trip ...

What are you wearing when you got out of the transport?

What is your garment & did you have jewelry, what was it like?

What is the Atlantan religion about, what were their beliefs?

What is the Temple or religious center like?

What kind of vessels or vehicles where there? What were they like?

How did you get to the mercantile exchange or center? What does it look like?

What are people using for currency and money?

What is being bought & sold?

What did the Atlantan library look like?

What was the head librarian like?

What did you learn about the history of Atlantis?

How old is it? What was its development?

What astrological age or ages did Atlantis exist in?

What kind of animals are in Atlantis?

How do you feel about them? Are there mixed animals & people?

What did Atlantis look from above?

What happened at the fall of Atlantis?