Classes & Courses 2022

“Jane! You help changed my life. I will never look at this dimension the same again. My experience was profound. I feel like it still is. I’ll never look at this world the same again…there’s so much to unlearn and learn again. I want to hone in on this skill and help humanity is some ways.”
“I loved this course, first of all. I particularly enjoyed the journeying piece of it. Drawing is always fun too.”
“This class is intelligent, informative and intuitive. Jane weaves together history and cultures, to show clearly when the ancient wisdoms where hidden from view. This class has been a gift to myself. My third eye was opened before the third class even started. I did not realize I was so blocked until this class, when everything became unblocked. I have also really enjoyed getting to know the other in the class. Jane has brought together such a wonderful community. ”
Intuition & Art 101
Interested in learning how to unlock the secrets of your own intuitive ability? In this fun & informative course, you will learn my “automatic art” technique, discover your unique Psi code, learn the chakra anatomy of intuition and how ancient ancestors created mystery schools to dispense this forbidden knowledge … you will learn basic tools, get practical experience, practice, and meet like-minded people.
The skilled practice of “automatic art” as a tool for divination, and the process of consulting your inner self & your spirit guides for knowledge, is an essential part of bringing your voice & the wisdom of your helping guides to bear on personal, & world issues.
You will learn how to interpret the messages to your questions. You will also experience the classic shamanic journey to reach non-ordinary states of consciousness and learn ways to build and nurture strong relationships with your own guides & inner wisdom.
Each class builds on itself, each class will be recorded & will be on Zoom.
This foundation class is a requirement for my Animal Communication", Afterlife Communication and Soul Portraits Classes.
Includes Intuition & Art booklet. No prior experience or artistic ability necessary, just an open mind and an open heart.
Workshop early bird $188, on May 1 price goes up to $222.
Free Intro, April 9, 2022 5:30 - 7pm PST
Part One, Saturday, May 21, 2022 2-5 PST
Part Two, Saturday, May 28, 2022 2-5 PST
Please Sign up for free class here
“Intuition & Art 101 was an amazing experience. So I went through the tunnel in Jane’s guided journey in the first class to meet my Creator, I didn’t see my creator … but I felt my creator … like they were a ball of light. I felt no fear. Just love! It was profound for me. The only other time I have felt anything close to that feeling was when I did Psilocybin mushrooms … I was a ball of light. And I felt pure bliss. I tried hanging around until the end of the meeting to share with you but felt I had to leave when someone starting talking about something that seemed personal to you.”
“Just do it!
The course Intuition & Art 101 with Jane de Forest is a game changer! I’m glad that I trusted Jane to know her stuff, seeing her work within a group, you quickly realize that you want more.
I’ve had years to polish reasons why I’m too busy to develop my intuition “right now”, but the first class was only a couple of hours once a week for three weeks… that made it seam like an easy thing to commit to.
Living in Norway the course hours, make us europeans able to finish off at midnight. Our class with 18 people from 8 different countries of mixed ages, added an extra dimension to the group. The class participants were very sincere, open minded, wise and supportive, simply a deep pleasure to be around and collaborate with.
Using zoom as an educational platform worked well, after doing collective exercises, Jane placed us into break-out rooms to share our experiences more privately, something that worked really well for me. One of the participants that I met in one of the break-out sessions I still connect with, although we live in a 9 hours time zone difference.
So if you are wondering whether or not to join this course, I have only one thing to say to you; “Just do it!” Give Jane a chance to help you connect deeper to your inner self. ”
“I am so full of gratitude and awe right now. THANK YOU for this class. I deeply appreciate your willingness to share your wisdom and techniques with others. I got quite a bit out of this course:
1) A deep appreciation for the varying ways that people utilize their intuition.
2) Gratitude for the many people who shared three Sundays with the group and recognition of their talents, hopes, and dreams.
3) Your workbook is AMAZING! I know I will refer to it often as I work to develop my own intuitive abilities. Which I didn’t REALLY know I had until I worked with my class partner today and was able to provide her with information that she considered to be relevant and highly accurate.”
“I had the wonderful experience of sharing important personal information with a very thoughtful group of good hearted, trustworthy classmates and, of course, with Jane who cares about every single person in the class, putting all of us at ease. This session was a particularly useful session for me because I was able to see myself as a child, innocent and vulnerable, and with the help of Jane and my conversation partner, I was able to see my strengths and let go of the idea that I’ve never been someone who made a positive difference in the world. It meant a great deal to me. Thank you, Jane!”
“I feel really honored to be able to join this course. This has been such an amazing experience for me. And to get the opportunity to meet such amazing people from all around the world. Hearing the drum during the first class brought me to tears, like coming home to a place I had deeply missed but forgotten. I have felt more centered since that first class.
I wish that I felt that words I’m typing could convey my love and appreciation for you in my life and in this world. I’m so grateful for you. The art you’ve done for me over the years is on the wall over my desk, and I look at it often for inspiration, reassurance, connection, reminders of my growth and growing, and hope.
As I’ve been opening more and more to intuition in my work and in my life, I’ve experienced it coming to me, but not been able to tease out how they are unique. One of the things that this course helped me was that I began to understand the many ways that information is coming in. I learned to recognize some of the types that feel more separate (7th chakra) but realize that it is just another way and not better or worse they are talking with me. Sometimes I have tended to ignore those inspirations, those ideas, writing them off as just my thinking, but now I’m realizing that my spirit guides are talking with me through this method.
I also saw, especially today, how each person reads things slightly differently, but that we all caught an accurate aspect of the picture. They are not wrong to “see” so differently, but each bring our hearts and talents to a practice session picture, like viewing abstract art at a museum. We all see something and can share our insights with each other and it helps the picture be richer. I’ve previously thought I had to perceive the entire picture totally and clearly, but this experience helped me realize that I can see what I can see, and hopefully that will resonate deeply for the people I’m helping. The opportunity to look at a question for you was really wonderful, that we didn’t know but that we could all see something for.
The biggest gift for me now is how you really connected what I can do with others with a way to start using this gift for myself. And how you shared how you and your husband do this together when you make decisions. I was really touched with the way it felt to look at the things and have insight, and see how I could lay out questions and work with my own gifts to try to answer them. I’ll be practicing this and using the drum and working with it.
One thing I just said last week was that I want to release into moving into the direction of letting this gift and intuition grow and lead my life, and I don’t want to be shielding and blocking and protecting all the time. And I deeply appreciate the prayer and the reminder of the importance that, when we are working in these ways and realms, we must take care every time to be praying and be intentional about our protection.”
“Jane’s “Art and Intuition” class had quite an impact on my life as it offered me the insights to a new direction, new endeavors.
First of all, I met such wonderful people to share insights with in a safe space that Jane creates. I also made a lasting connection to people on the other side of the globe.
My 3rd eye really did open! I saw wave after wave of purple and deep blue then a purple eye appeared. I had forehead pain for 2 days after that. It took a few days to integrate.
Being in Jane’s presence online, I was able to connect and open up to a passion that I didn’t know was waiting for me. In one of the many drumming journeys I asked a question and a vision of a cello appeared to me with the words above it...PLAY.
I have since bought a cello and am taking live lessons online. I have also serendipitously met a wonderful young cellist that has come to my small northern town to work and is willing to teach me in person.
Thank you Jane for supporting me in being able to deepen into my heart and open up to my creativity on such a deep level. I am feeling so much love and gratitude for you and your gifts. I can’t wait to attend your next class.
Thank you so much.❤️❤️🐝”
“I really enjoyed the class, all of it and most specifically doing it with like minded amazing other participants. I felt a connection to everyone there, truly … and you were awesome as always! Class #3 was much easier when you put us in a breakout room and my partner asked a question. Suddenly things flowed from that question.
Also for me, the answer came in a full body feeling goosebumps power sensation. I do believe for many it comes in art. I loved that you gave permission to doodle as the art piece was blocking me.”
“Thank you for letting us be part of your class, it was a privilege to be heard by you and to listen to you speak about all the different things. It will definitely be helpful for me, it already is.
- You talked a lot about the pineal gland. Is an extensive topic and very interesting. DMT was mentioned and sometimes people refer to it as a psychedelic but some other scholars refer to it as an entheogen(which for me seems more proper), is a complex issue to discuss, seems to be controversy about it, might be a good idea to send the people involved in the class to do some research to try to define the better word to describe it. Also interesting and maybe you can mention how in the past Harmaline, which is one of the active ingredients in the Ayahuasca vine, happened to be called Telepathine in the past. And just for you to know, in the Kichwa language of Ecuador the term AYA means SOUL and HUASCA means vine or liana. Just some extra info there that you probably knew already.
- It was nice to hear you say that you want us to be your competition, made us feel motivated and nice from you to share your deeper knowledge.
- Is nice to share stories in the class between the people and is also nice to have little chat rooms with others to share and get to know each other.
-Letting people practice drawing seem very important in the class and it should be
done always, no matter how bad artists some can be.
- Maybe try to recommend some books or info on the matter for the people that want to continue studying and perfectioning their ways that maybe you know. Like the DMT spirit molecule by Strassman or the Morphic Resonance by Sheldrake, some that came to my mind.
- Overall Jane your classes seem to me to be pretty good as an introduction to this incredible field.”
“What I got out of “Intuition & Art 101” … Once I could relax I really enjoyed the process, working on my intuition and appreciated the diversity of the group! That was so cool!
… having you say to let go of the feeling that “you’re not doing it right” was SO valuable – the experience was honestly SO much more than I expected.
Love your sweet soul, Jane – and will never regret crossing your path.”