Shaman’s Journey & Art for Children
Jane’s Pro Bono Work
Mrs. Hiatt’s 3rd grade power animal journey
“After playing for a while I talked to Clive (7) about going on your Shamanic Journey and he said yes! and quickly laid on the floor, covered himself, put a pillow under his head and listened carefully. There was a tongue drum there so I used that, and he was gone! After, I brought him back, he was ready to draw his spirit animal and when he told me the answer to his question and message, I asked if he would write it down and he agreed :)
Very amazing experience! His mom loved it and so did I! Thanks for sharing this journey with me. I probably will have more opportunities in the near future :)
It was so inspiring see this child go within and find his spirit animal, turtle 🐢 who gave him exactly the best message for him! Thanks for sharing this wonderful project! I will work much more with it, if it is okay with you 😊🎶🙏🎉 💕”
We are going on a fantastic journey today, go buckle your seat belts and listen carefully …
Anthropologists are scientists that tell us that in ancient times, the first people who lived in communities on Earth date back 30,000 to 100,000 years. Anthropologists, are people who study ancient communities. These ancient people are ancestors to us all … they are our great great great great great great great great great grand parents.
These ancient people were know by many names: indigenous people, Indians, native people, aboriginals, Inuit, tribal people, the first people … and some are still alive today.
The first people lived close to Mother Earth and her animals, plants. They lived in harmony with her cycles … the cycles of the sun: spring, summer, fall & winter as well as the cycles of the moon: waxing, full & waining.
The first people believed, and still believe, that all living things are alive and have spirits and have intelligence … like: trees, mushrooms, water, clouds, animals, turtles, rocks … and so on
The first people believed, and still believe, that there are special people who can talk to trees, mushrooms, water, clouds, animals, turtles, rocks … and so on. They are call Shamans.
The first people believed, and still believe, that the shaman can also heal people like a doctor can, see into other dimensions like a psychic, and travel into other realms like a super hero.
The first people believed, and still believe, that all of nature is connected and related, like brothers and sisters … in a great web of life.
This web includes humans, but we are only part of the web and we did not create it.
The first people believed, and still believe, that we are the caretakers of Mother Earth. People are supposed to take care of the garden that is this planet.
The first people believed, and still believe, that special spirits of animals watch over children.
These animal spirits are known by several names: Spirit Animals, Animal Totems, Watchers or Power Animals.
These Power Animals watch out for you, help protect you, and keep you safe when you were walking around and when you were dreaming.
Power Animals are completely and entirely good, even if they are a bear or an elk or a shark or a dragon, they will never hurt you. They are always wild, shaman believe that domesticated animals (pets) don’t have enough spirit power.
The first people believed, and still believe, that there are three realms which are the Upper World, the Middle World in the Lower World. The a three realms are connected by a great tree that grows through the middle of the world, called the “World Tree” or “Axis Mundi”
The first people believed, and still believe, that you can travel to the Upper World, the Middle World in the Lower World along this “World Tree” by closing your eyes and using your sacred imagination.
We will be traveling to the Lower World, that is where your Power Animal can be found, it is a wonderful and safe place and your Power Animal is only good, kind, and wants to help you.
You will meet your Power Animal and bring them back with you.
Are you ready?
Think about a tree that you know … it can be from when you were little or a tree in your yard now. Imagine that tree. Close your eyes and in your imagination, find a crack or hole in your tree.
You will hear drum beats, follow the sound of the beating drum and imagine yourself flying out of your window to your tree. Follow the drum beats travel down the tree to the roots go deep into the ground. There you will find a tunnel … the tunnel is wide and with lots of space and plenty of room and it's very safe and very dark.
Sometimes there is an obstacle like a rock, if you find one just go around it or over the top of it or ask the rock to move. Then you will travel further down the tunnel until you see light, there may be a door or opening if there is a door open it and move into the light . Sort of like Narnia …
This “light” place will be beautiful, it might be a meadow or a beach but it is a place that is in your sacred imagination. But a shaman would say that it is NOT just in your imagination, but that it is real … more real than this world.
There, in the Lower World, you will find your Power Animal. They will be very happy to see you and they will be able to talk to you!
Spend time with your beloved Power Animal and ask your animal anything you want … there may also be time for you to ask them to take you around this magical place. You will have 10 minutes.
When you hear four slow beats … that will be a sign that it's time to say goodbye to your animal friend, you can ask them to come into your heart and bring your Power Animal back with you. Hug your animal and imagine that your animal is coming home with you.
Then you will hear very fast beats for about a minute, it is time to return home, make sure that you return home in the same way you got there.
Travel through the door back through the tunnel up through your tree roots up through the tree and out through the hole … then fly through the window and back into your body on the floor.
You will hear a final four beats. Then it will be time to sit up and draw pictures of what happened on your journey.
Alrighty them … So you will be lying down on the floor and cover yourself with a cuddly blanket you will need something to cover your eyes so that the light doesn't come in. It is best to turn off the lights in your room.
Ready for takeoff? Here we go …