“I loved the class so much. Personally, I received a lot of valuable insight through the drawings. You are a gem of a teacher. ”
“I had the wonderful experience of sharing important personal information with a very thoughtful group of good hearted, trustworthy classmates and, of course, with Jane who cares about every single person in the class, putting all of us at ease. This “soul retrieval” session was a particularly useful session for me because I was able to see myself as a child, innocent and vulnerable, and with the help of Jane and my conversation partner, I was able to see my strengths and let go of the idea that I’ve never been someone who made a positive difference in the world. It meant a great deal to me. Thank you, Jane!”
Amazing piece created by class participant
Shaman’s Journey & Art
Is your soul ready to heal? Is it time to take your power back? In this three-part course, you will have a rare opportunity to experience three deep and powerful classic Shamanic journeys. From the Shaman’s perspective, fatigue, illness, depression, spiritual confusion and loss of abundance are symptoms of spiritual problems in the subtle realms—over time they can become physical. There are two major reasons for this: soul loss from past trauma and disconnection with spiritual guidance or a “Power Animal.” The Shaman’s solution is to help you collect & assimilate your lost soul fragments and find & reconnect with your Power Animal & guides.
The Shamanic journey is a remarkable visionary method for entering an alternate reality with guidance & intention. Using classic drumming techniques to access your higher consciousness, you will be introduced to the Shamanic journey to awaken your soul and dormant spiritual power. Travel outside of time and space into non-ordinary reality and make contact with compassionate helping spirits, such as teachers and power animals, for personal wisdom, healing and to gain knowledge to help create a better world.
Is now the time for self-healing? In this course you will have an opportunity to document your journeys with art & writing, as well as sharing your experience with fellow travelers.
This is not a substitute for licensed professional medical treatment.
Each class builds on itself, each class will be recorded and on Zoom. $175 - small class. BIPoC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) & single mom scholarship, email me for details. If you have completed this course previously, you may sit in for class free.
Refund Policy: 100% refundable up to two weeks before class. If you need to cancel less than two weeks before class & I can find a replacement for you, I will refund all your money, less any processing fees :-)
Part One “Shamanic Journey” 10am-12:00pm noon PST
Part Two “Power Animal/Ancestors” 10am-12:00pm noon PST
Part Three “Soul Retrieval” , 10am-12:00pm noon PST
“Today’s “Soul Retrieval” class was incredibly powerful and full of emotions for me. I felt the same feelings (emotional and physical) I felt 37 years ago when my brother (only 1 year older than I) and my best friend were tragically killed in 2 separate car accidents just weeks apart.
Learning that I can go back and bring those pieces of myself back into my soul, brings me such comfort. I long for the clarity from my guides and ancestors that will help me become whole again. I am still in processing mode of all that I experienced today.
Your journey made aware of more pieces of myself that are out there, but the pieces of my soul, that came back today were vital for my strength to retrieve the others — and I know my wolf guide will be there to protect me.
Thank you so much for facilitating these journeys. I look forward to many more with you.”
“Thank you for including me in your class. Everyone’s shares touched my heart so immensely. I am extremely grateful that you hold a safe container for our healing journeys. It is both powerful to witness in others & to experience for one’s self. ”