“thank you so much again for my reading today. I feel very energized right now and a bit more clarity. And some of your pointers were like little doors that opened to some new possible paths to take”
“Psychic Artist and medium, Jane de Forest gave me a first accurate glimpse of information that I had been seeking about loved ones both here and in the afterlife. It was a compelling session, with a fabulous keepsake piece of artwork that she created while we were “just chatting.” If you are looking for answers about yourself or relationships beyond our human existence, or any other kind of mystical knowing, I highly recommend Jane’s session. She is a loving and supportive medium.”
“Jane is a deep soul, and her intuitive consultations are helpful and deeply intimate. I feel safe with her, and confident in her ability to connect with those ‘other’ energies that have so much good guidance to offer those of us still here learning on Mother Earth.”
“It is my absolute pleasure to offer my unreserved recommendation of Jane de Forest. Jane is one of our most beloved intuitive readers and presenters by both our guests and our staff alike. She always brings love, compassion, enthusiasm,
creativity, and joy to her work. She is very professional to work with and is always respectful and harmonious in her interactions.
As a reader, she is warm, fun, and puts her clients at ease. She has a strong sense of integrity and humility and will frequently check in with her client throughout the reading to make sure that the messages she is delivering are accurate and helping to uplift the client in whatever life situation they may be in.”
“Thank you so much Jane. I know it was a long time (2.5 years maybe?) between readings. Probably not so outrageous with a global pandemic going on. At any rate, I truly look forward to continuing to work with you on my journey. I have shared my experience with a couple of people and given them your card. My prayer is that everyone can find their own connection to Spirit :) Thank you so much, I just feel so much better after my reading. Focused and directed.
Here we go….. ”
“Jane did an amazing pro bono Zoom reading for my special needs son, Sam. She communicated with Sam who doesn’t talk or walk any more due to an intractable seizure disorder. It was heart-warming to hear what Sam had to say through her and validated feelings and information I had been getting as well. I know Sam was comforted to know someone could hear him.
Jane receives very accurate information through her open heart connection and is truly an Angel right here on Earth!
Deep thanks. I can’t wait until we connect again!”
“I felt drawn to Jane when seeing her photo at the New Renaissance bookstore, and somehow felt trust even before meeting Jane. She creates this incredible feeling of welcoming, and with her great knowledge, you feel grounded, held, and supported during the session.
Recently I bought Mama’s Potion for immune system prepared by Jane. I trusted that it will be potent because Jane prepared it! And it is a miracle! It works, it is a powerful healing mixture. I was a bit sick recently and after drinking the tea I felt strength from within and the next day I was feeling great!
Whatever you are searching for or need try connecting with Jane. She is a wonderful soul that will shine a light on your path.”
“My Shamanic Journey was phenomenally productive. I came across a very strong female Angel in my journey and I didn’t realize that anything had really changed; however, I awakened this morning with a “head” full of new information. There was a certainty and a “future projected mindset” that made me sure about a lot of things ... especially how to move in another direction in my life. WHAT AN EYE OPENING EXPERIENCE. I will certainly be journaling for the next 28 days and will set up another intuitive session at the end of that time frame.
I feel re-invigorated and “adopted by my Spirit Guide” — who confirmed to me that she has been there all along for me answering my questions.
Thank you Jane ... this was truly a remarkable experience for me.”
“I met Jane as a teenager through her friendship with my mother, and for over ten years, I’ve turned to her for solace and guidance. Three years ago, during a heartbreak, Jane reassured me I’d soon meet someone special. Her prediction came true: I met my now-husband a month later. Jane’s insights, reinforced by signs from the universe, gave me the confidence to embrace my future. Her readings provide comfort and strength, revealing truths beyond my immediate vision. Jane is a beautiful soul and guide, offering a pathway to love and light.”
“Thank you for the recording, there was much more I heard listening for the second time!!! I love my Mom so much!!!! I never knew so much healing could happen after a loved one passes. Now that you described what her hugs feel like, I feel them a lot. I feel I know her better now that she has passed. Your accuracy is 95% or more!!! Reserving the 5% to see what happens next. :) I will definitely book another reading with you and recommend you to friends who would be interested in a reading like this.”
“Thank you so much for your help in psychically finding my precious lost softball glove! it was between the ‘box’ bottom of my bed (that lifts up on a metal frame) & the wall of closets. 😊 just like you said! You’re initial drawing of the room it was in, was correct - my bedroom has a door right where you drew it!! I’ve had that glove for about 40+ years so trying to play without it was devastating to me.
You were so kind to make a special appt. to help me - which I then missed (!) but you very graciously rebooked me right away at no extra charge. Thank you for sharing your special gift and I look forward to your help in the future. Thanks also to Claire at New Renaissance Bookshop in Portland, who went above and beyond to help getting me to you!”
“I was undergoing big career dissatisfaction since 2018 and had left a position in 2020 after being there for 15 years, only to take a different one that I thought was going to be one thing and it turned out to be another, not right. This was after several years of trying to work up the courage to leave my 15 year position. What a shock and disappointment.
After 6 months of this new job, I realized I made a mistake. I met with Jane for guidance, I had just an inkling of two other job prospects I was hopeful for. One I had applied for and had a phone interview set for a few weeks after that day of the reading. The other I had not even applied for and had just learned of it days before the reading. Jane said I would have both offered to me and need to choose between the two.
Over the next two months of interviews, she was right, they were both offered to me. I picked the one that I remember her saying I would be very happy at even though the other sounded satisfying but not as challenging and not as much pay. I took the risk because of her encouragement and I have been in it for 6 months and she was right, it is the best fit for me, hard and challenging, learning something I have never done, but I am so glad now that I picked it. I know if it was not for that reading, my disappointment from the previous experience would of convinced me to pick the one I was more comfortable with. It would have been good too, pay was less and it was so much like what I had done in the past, I would of not have pushed myself to take the chance.
My take away, while the future is not set in stone, there are opportunities on the horizon that we can manifest and Jane helped me manifest “the best” of this part of my life”
“Thank you so much for such a wonderful session yesterday. I loved it and I had so much fun. You are truly awesome.”
“Jane, I always find your sessions so healing, motivating, assuring, and in time SO accurate. When we spoke two years ago, you had told me some things in my love life that totally came true, and are, I feel still unfolding. I am so excited to hear what your feedback and visions are now. At the time you had mentioned you saw a beach proposal in my future (totally my dream), and that you could see 3 men interested in me that would come into my life.
You said one was through work, one I did not know of yet, and one would be a very wealthy man.
Shortly after our session, I met Bruce through work— who I had actually previously met before in my city and then he suddenly joined our office. He pursued me all the way through this last year, and was a great man but I just did not feel the connection was right.
The second man, I had never known— turned out to be from my favorite place on the coast. He saw me while he was working in a restaurant in April of that year, but never said anything to me at the time, and then when I returned again in October he gave me his number and his name was Steve. We ended up going on a date as well, and we are still friends, however at this time the connection has not sparked just right.
The third man you spoke about also came true! The wealthy man...this also was a huge surprise to me. Every time I go to my favorite coastal town I have my favorite breakfast stop— I kept running into this man getting a lot of attention like he was a celebrity I did not recognize, and every morning for three days we appeared at the shop at the same time and parted ways. The third day— I crossed the street and ran literally right into him. He looked at me and said I have seen you before! Turns out, he was famous…We ended up having coffee and have stayed in touch. The rest is to be written.
It hit me then suddenly now, two years later, that you were SO RIGHT on all three you told me about! And of course I am curious what else you see unfolding....your visions always help me dream of the future! So grateful for your gifts and blown away by your incredible accuracy. ”
“I am still resonating from our session. It was deep and beautiful. I look forward to another session in the future. I am also reading your book. It is so affirming about the transforming power of love. So many more areas to explore with you.
Jane is an accomplished artist and her pencil artistic renderings drawn during the session was a wondrous surprise to take home. This was in addition to the option of an audio recording. ”
“Thanks again for everything, you are amazing and I look forward to seeing you again. ”
“Thank you for the reading, it has helped in many ways. ”
“El Amor nunca muere
Bien escrito e informativo, este libro ofrece consuelo y certeza de que el amor nunca muere, e incluso continúa en el más allá, por increíble que suene. Jane proporciona muchos casos reales de clientes para probar esta afirmación.
Ciertamente no podía dejar de leer este libro. Las historias son tan conmovedoras y reales, y al mismo tiempo mágicas y sinceras. Todos hemos perdido a seres queridos y qué reconfortante es saber que los lazos que creamos con nuestros seres queridos están allí para quedarse y que la curación aún puede ocurrir, aunque ellos ya hayan partido.
Jane comparte su conocimiento y perspicacia desde un corazón amoroso, el arte es magnífico, y realmente recomiendo este libro como una lectura obligada.
Gracias Jane por esta importante información! ”
“I would like to share with you one of my readings with Jane de Forest, it was an amazing experience.
I had been dealing with a lot of chronic pain in my hips for many years. Each year it seemed to get increasingly worse. Sometimes it would be less than other times but the pain was always there. When the pain was full on, I could hardly walk.
My job at New Renaissance Bookshop, requires standing at the front desk helping customers check out, which was so hard—the pain was often unbearable. Friday December 13th, 2019, was one of those days. I could hardly walk or stand. The pain was so intense that it was right up there with the worst of days.
I was pushing through it as I needed to do my job. Jane was in the store, greeting customers and talking to them. When she saw me limping she asked what was wrong. After discussing this for a few minutes, we decided to schedule a reading for later that day on my lunch break.
The reading: Jane read my energy and “saw” where previous trauma I experienced was lodged in my energy and we discussed releasing it through forgiveness. How I had been working on and thought I had achieved forgiveness! But I wanted deeper healing— on a cellular level, body, mind, and soul.
Jane reported that she “saw” an energetic block that was an issue in my pelvic region. In her hand, she held a pad and pencil. Jane sketched four horses in each corner of the page, then drew a circle in the middle. She’s closed her eyes for a moment, as she consulted some unseen guidance, after a moment, Jane gazed at the circle and picked ups the pencil. With confidence she marked a dramatic “X” on the circle connecting the four horses.
Jane looked deeply into my eyes, whatever she had just “seen” upset her and she hesitated before this message came through.Then she said she’d never said this before to anyone, “what I just saw in my minds eye, was clear and shocking … I saw you in a circle, there are four horses heading in different directions. There were men on each horse and when I read their hearts/thoughts, they were drunk or cruel — or both. Your arms and legs were each tied to a different horse, they there is a loud noise, people are watching some scream— I think I am seeing that you were drawn and quartered in a past life.” Jane watched my reaction compassionately.
My first reaction was shock but at the same time, there was something that rang true about this information. Our reading finished and I returned to my work duties. By the end of the day the unbearable pain in my hips had subsided considerably! So much so, that I was no longer limping!
That evening I meditated to quiet my overloaded mind. As I sat in silence, I asked to connect with this lifetime. It came to me that I was a man in that past life, a Knights Templar. He/me died from being tortured and his/my life ended when he/I was drawn and quartered.
A great spiritual healing must have taken place, because the next morning I had absolutely no pain! This is written May 13th (Friday) 2022, and as of this date, the debilitating pain that haunted me before Jane’s reading on December 13th (Friday) 2019, has never returned.
The amazing synchronicity was that for the Knights Templar, Friday the 13th, was an exceedingly unlucky day. On October 13th, 1307, King Philip IV of France arrested the Knights Templar for treason, while confiscation their land and wealth. They died in prison after many years, where tortured to death or burned at the stake.
This experience has been deeply moving and profound. It has brought me to an understanding about the nature of what is really real.
Firstly, my soul is life, I am always alive and have had many lives in physical forms but in reality, my soul has lived only one life, and it/me never dies. Secondly, in the physical world, my soul learns and experiences a lifetime, then returns “Home” to the other side, where somehow my soul process and plans my next lifetime experience in the physical. It is clear to me that sometimes residual energy from one lifetime can be brought “back” into the current lifetime now. Lastly, my experience showed me that my soul, the soul, may need to be reminded that the past life is over and that the soul is in a new life, here and now.
This has been a miracle healing, by discovering and recognizing how my past life as a Knights Templar affected me in this lifetime, somehow I was healed of a chronic problem. There is no logical explanation, in my opinion, it’s a miracle.”
“I wanted to thank you again for sending me the audio for the reading you did for me & James…Over a year later, and it STILL gave me truth-bumps!! Your readings are timeless. 🙏🏽”
“Our session struck me Deeply,
As you indeed ARE also a Goddess
Radiating Majesty~Truth~Light🌟
A Most Profoundly Clear Channel
an equally proficient 97% accurate
Spiritual Counselor, Generous Healer
Loving Earth Mother 🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱as well as Celestial Sister 🌙
🎁 A Gift from GOD
Blessings & Gratitude for Everything🙏
I’ll certainly send seekers your way”
“In these challenging times, for countless numbers of people, there is a yearning and searching for meaning, purpose, and a greater understanding surrounding our lives here on earth. Many of us are also grieving the deaths of those closest to us and pondering certain questions. Is there another existence after biological death? Is there truly a “life everlasting” awaiting us, as promised by multiple religious faiths? Is death, itself, simply an illusion?
For Jane de Forest, her gifts were given to her for a grand purpose. That purpose is to answer many of these questions as she peers into our souls, describing our conflicts, our talents, and the new opportunities that lie ahead. Penetrating beyond the barriers erected here in our lives on earth, she is able to contact spiritual guides and loved ones on the other side of life who want nothing less than to help us and guide us on our souls’ journeys. Her wonderful book: “Love Never Dies” outlines the affirming experiences she has had for many years with countless people whose lives have been changed forever by the readings Jane has given them.
My experience with Jane is filled with admiration for the accuracy in her describing the issues of my loved ones around me who are living now, those who have crossed over to the other side, and the direction I am taking in my life’s journey. Her readings are sensitive, caring, and illuminating. A reading from Jane can cast light on the very subjects you most care about. It will leave you feeling much better informed and, most of all, peaceful and at ease with whatever life has in store for you.
Recently a dear friend of our family was at the end of her life. I “gifted” to her a reading by Jane. The week before her death, she told me this was the greatest gift anyone had ever given to her. It was reported to me that she crossed over easily and peacefully.
I highly and most sincerely recommend you give this gift to yourself, or those nearest and dearest to you. This is one choice you will never ever regret!”
“J’ai réécouté l’enregistrement aujourd’hui. C’était très utile. J’ai adoré notre dernière séance. Ces mots ont vraiment pris sens pour moi. Merci pour vos conseils”
“Hola mi nombre es Norma y llevo conociendo a Jane de Forest por un par de años ella me ha ayudado en varias ocasiones con su sesiones de intuición la más reciente ha sido ayudarme en forma intuitiva a decirme como y cuando hablar y reconciliarme con mi hermano ya que teníamos 3 años y medio sin hablarnos ahora nos vimos hablamos y la relación ha sido más fuerte y amorosa muchas gracias a jane por toda su ayuda.”
“I can’t tell you how grateful I feel that I met you and that I had the opportunity to receive a session from you. It felt like I got rid of such a weight that day. After I met you I went to the park and cried for hours, feeling totally exhausted... but it felt like a good cry, similar to a big letting go of what used to weigh on me for so long. Thank you Jane immensely.” ”
“The session with Jane was gifted to me by my dear friend from Mount Shasta who wanted to help me with the loss of my beloved dad. Jane brought my father’s energy in right away. I knew after the first few sentences she said about the consciousness that was with us, that it was him. It was wonderful to connect with my dad again and even though I cried a lot throughout the session, I am forever grateful. I really liked that the session did not end just because the time was over. Jane gave me some wonderful tools to connect with my dad every day so that feels very hopeful that I get a chance to be with him more often rather than miss him forever.. So it does not feel that the session/connection is done but it feels like it’s on- going. Thank you Jane for the space that you opened up for me. I cherish that tremendously.”
“With compassion and great insight, Jane holds space for others to move through personal growth into a place of understanding. My fiancé and I both received readings from Jane and were left speechless at her remarkable talent of depicting imagery and metaphors based on her empathic connection. Through the use of her senses as an artist and intuition as a clairvoyant, Jane was able to reach deep into the heart of our struggles with discretion and without judgment, allowing us to reflect the same love and kindness back to ourselves. She acts as a light for others, and her beautiful illustrations have become a treasured keepsake in our lives. I continue to be impressed by her grace, authenticity and integrity, and recommend her to any and all in need of guidance.”
“It was wonderful to meet and spend time with you. Thank you for facilitating. I’ve had a shift since our session, I am grounded and in my body. Something I haven’t had for some time. Going back to Houston has been easier because I’m living in the moment, it’s been a long time. I’ve even set up an area for daily ceremony! Also, it has been powerful to reconnect with spirit.
I’ve put in motion many of your suggestions. Thank you again for your service! Love Rebecca”
“Thank you so much for the incredible reading. I went into it not having a specific thing I wanted to know, I mean I guess I always wanted to talk to my Dad in the Afterlife 😊 but everything you spoke of was spot on. You are a beautiful soul and I feel so blessed to have connected with you! I will see you again soon.”
“Jane is a truly gifted reader. Specifically, the power of her drawings really struck me. I think that is a very powerful way to work. Additionally she has a warm heart and is very in-tuned to the client’s energy. I feel that powerful shifts have been initiated today. The accuracy of her sight and insights helped me with accepting the healing. With her guidance and support, I was able to journey during the drumming, which was empowering to me. I am so grateful to have crossed paths with Jane at this juncture in my life. I prayed and I received. 🙏🏼”
“You are amazing, and I am truly grateful to have been connected with you again! I look forward to our future conversations and adventures!”
“Thank you so so much for your time this evening. Your words brought me so much peace, closure and some good laughs! It was amazing talking to you. I want to tell everyone I know to book time to with you! ”
“An ordinary weekend afternoon transformed itself into one of the most deeply personal and memorable days of my life. It was the day I had an intuitive consultation with Jane deForest. I have met many different kinds of people from all over the world in my life, but somehow the powerful connection I experienced from Jane was so instantaneous, it was unique.
Honestly speaking, I wasn’t expecting too much from our session, BUT Jane proved me to be wrong. As an engineer, I can be logical and analytical, there is no column in my data driven brain to input this type of nonscientific, nonlinear information.
But I was immersed in a wonderful moment of spiritual journey that she took me on that lead me to be reconnected with my passed loved one, my beloved mother. The experience gave me a sense of inner peace and a calm feeling rushed into my inner soul. It was exactly what I needed in order to find that quiet place inside my mind/ body and fill the gaping void in my heart. This was the first time in my life that I have ever been able to achieve this level of awaking, it was a lifting, it is hard to put into words.
The entire session helped lower the “RPM” of my busy and high “REV” mind and experience something I never have before. She gently encouraged growth within me by pointing me to my own inner truth without any forceful language or actions. Jane gave me a sense of peace and connection and taught me some mindfulness techniques in order to let go the stress and burden in my life. In addition, she has many years of knowledge and wisdom, and expresses passion for her work with integrity and love. Jane’s reading carries a unique approach of spiritual connection to the universe, and she has an ability to help inquirers who are searching to find their way back to the path. My experience with Jane has been a forward step towards my inner peace and to help me remember why I am here.”
“The clarity and grace with which Jane saw my life and my heart was such a refreshing vision. It’s evident and powerfully reassuring to feel that you in good hands. Her voice and presence were so grounding and healing that I felt at ease and protected. Jane helped me rewrite my stories of trauma, look to the future with hopeful eyes, connect with my grandfather and the right home to buy! She’s a Wonder Woman. Truth radiates out of her eyes with such a talent that would bless anyone and everyone, I’ve felt better and more peaceful ever since! Love Jane 💋”
“You have a special and unique gift that few people have in this planet. You are divinely gifted to see and to recognize the true essence of who we are beyond the physicality of our bodies and personalities. You have the ability to connect straight to Source what makes your readings very crystal clear, accurate and of a great value. I would highly recommend working with you to those who are searching for truth and clarity.
Thank you so much.”
“Thank you so very much for my reading!! I have been reflecting a lot on what you said ... I miss my Mom terribly but knowing that she is with us does give me some peace and joy. I am so grateful for the opportunity to talk with you and start healing myself, my relationships and my spirit. You are truly a blessing! Thank you so much for helping me begin to pull my feet out of the mud and muck and also for giving me some tools to use in the future!”
“Dear Jane,
Please accept my heartfelt thanks for the intuitive reading you gave me today. It was the most comprehensive and insightful reading I have ever received, and that is saying something! As you know I work in a metaphysical bookstore and have had both the honor and privilege of working with some of the most gifted intuitive readers and energy workers in the region.
Thank you for looking at all of my areas of concern: my physical health, my soul journey, and my relationships. I appreciate your creative suggestions for becoming more aligned with my life purpose and with my life partner.
Hearing from my late husband was an unexpected bonus! I am deeply grateful to you for delivering his messages. The specific details you gave about my home, my pets, and the key people in my life left no doubt that what you were “seeing” and “hearing” was accurate.
I believe that you were getting the words directly from my husband. You captured his words and phrases in a way that reached in and grabbed my heart. I also appreciate the practical suggestions you gave me for keeping in touch with him.
Your reading was not all sweetness and light, but I was looking for deeper insights and that is exactly what I got. I know that I am at a turning point in my life. Thank you for helping me to achieve clarity on my current situation. I feel much better equipped to get on with my life and to navigate the course that my Divine Self has envisioned for me.
My heart feels much more open now, to healing, to life and love, and to fulfilling my divine destiny. I give you and your work my highest endorsement. Please feel free to quote my letter on your website. God bless you and your work, Jane!
Highest regards,”
“Dear Jane,
Thank you so much for your reading yesterday – it was most helpful to me and very comforting. I was thinking about it afterwards, the reading became much clearer to me. The “wild hair” that was associated with Stuart my son, had me puzzled until I realized that it was not literally his hair – as a young man and even as a boy, he had what we called a “wild hair” in his makeup.
The picture you drew of my late husband was spot on. I have several photographs that really have that look.
When I got up this morning I found to the pillows of the sofa pushed over onto the floor, and a magazine that had been on the coffee table on the floor in front of a table. On the table was my digital picture frame flashing, and calling my attention to it. It certainly was NOT the cat!! … something to ponder.
Thank you again for sharing your amazing gift”
“Jane was beyond wonderful! This was my first reading/session & it was more than I could have hoped for. She gets a sense of “YOU” first & has you confirm information before she connects with your animal. I was very happy & satisfied & felt so welcome & comfortable.
She shared some information about her personal life with me which made me feel like our meeting was important to her. She was so accurate & compassionate. I’m very grateful to have found someone who is a genuine animal communicator that I can trust. She gave me closure for the past & guidance for the future that I am eternally grateful for. THANK YOU for becoming a part of my life.”
“My first ever intuitive reading was with Jane and the experience provided me with feelings of validation, comfort and excitement to build upon a platform that she outlined. Jane offers the unique ability to not only accurately and compassionately read emotions/events/circumstances in ones life, but also provides meaningful context for the information that she relays. This context helped me to not only recognize patterns/themes in my life, but also gave light to what I can do with that knowledge. The detail and insight she provided was remarkable (even down to the details of my son’s favorite shirt!) and I was left with an overall feeling of joy. I am looking forwarding to meeting with Jane again.”
“Thank you sincerely for identifying and giving me the essential tools and resources to help bolster my career transition and cross-country move. To sit with me for 90 minutes and glean an understanding of my soul, my present, past, and future, then meet me where I was at that given time to guide me and give me confidence for where I would be in the future is an incredible gift. Your wisdom, strength, integrity, and balance intrinsic to your daily life are reflected through your spoken words and actions. Thank you for sharing.”
“Having previously enjoyed Jane’s workshop for connecting to spiritual guides and reading her book, I sought her out to work with 3 teens (14,16,17) that are a part of my family. Each child a different background yet a common thread of loss and hardship. I arranged for each child to have a one on one intuitive session with Jane.
With Jane’s gentleness and accuracy, the response from the kids was excitement and delight, having felt validated and seen for their inner worlds.
We followed up with a group soul retrieval session a couple of months after. The next day I wrote:
“We have all been having a very connected day. I am especially appreciative for your guidance and that we were able to have it as a shared experience. A lot of tears have moved through last night and this day, lots of release.”
Jane’s guidance has been instrumental and we continue with renewed self exploration and improved relations with each other.”
“Let me first say that Jane knew almost nothing about me and that sunny day was the first time we met. My husband and I arrived for an intuitive reading last summer. Sitting in her cozy office I couldn’t help of feel a sense of belonging. I “knew” she had a message.
Jane closed her eyes, centered- then putting pencil to paper Jane began sketching - one by one she accurately drew and described each of my family members – even their mannerisms – in vivid detail.
That got my attention!
I felt my hairs standing up on the nape of my neck and shivers go down my spine.
Although the details were impressive, my experience last summer was a “game changer” I walked away with much more than a lovely drawing and an interesting story … tender empowerment.
When I use the term empowerment, I’m not referring to the encouragement of any sense of identity or ego, but to the wisdom that comes with greater awareness. With Jane’s penetrating insight illuminated a broader picture of my mother’s tragic life choices as well as my own “stuck” ideas. I was able to see a much fuller perspective on my mother’s situation and finally understand why she’d made the decisions she had made. I didn’t try to see things differently; yet in that moment of clarity I just “did” see them differently. From my newly found compassion, my love grew again for her, and I was able to honor and except her … warts and all. My mom was, in truth, doing the best she could.
When I visited my mother two weeks later, I witnessed a difference not only in our relationship dynamic, but also in my mother herself. I knew on some level she must have been sensing, responding to and receiving the unconditional love I had freshly cultivated and renewed. And she began softening, too.
I appreciate how humble and accepting Jane was during our session. She never placed judgment on anyone who came up in the reading, and she never told me what to do with any situation I was working with. I believe her gifts as an intuitive consultant find their true power simply in empowering others. The kind and loving space she holds, together with the higher perspective she offers is like a rest stop on the dusty path of life.
Growing up in this culture, I have observed how often we tend to leave it to the professionals and experts to tell us how it is – from health, to spirituality, to finances, even our appearances. When we doubt our own ability to listen to our intuition for clear guidance, a disempowering dynamic is created with the soul and how it relates to this world. Self-awareness can fade, and we can become consumed with storylines, often rooted in a limited concept of good versus evil. Although this notion can serve us in developing our own sense of morality, it can also blind us to the whole story and shut down our compassion for fellow human beings.
When we consciously work to listen within and expand our awareness, our motives for seeking support can shift along with us. Instead of merely relying on others for answers, we can co-create a new paradigm with the experts – of which I would include Jane, in her unique profession. Those who are called to serve can do so with Jane’s reverence for this evolutionary journey of the soul we have all embarked upon. When we can draw upon this healing and inspiring well of support, we can ask ourselves the real questions:
“How is this serving me for my highest good?”
“What’s preventing me from growing into the highest version of myself?”
“How can I move through this with empowerment and love?”
And we can remember and reflect upon our powerful and compassionate spirit. ”
“When a friend referred me to Jane, I didn’t know what to expect, but because I was in such a deep state of grief I was willing to try anything. I liked her from the moment I met her and I was surprised that she was able to tell me detailed information about his injuries, the kind of information she could only get from reading the results of the necropsy that followed Jack’s death. My session with Jane gave me peace and a path forward, something I would have struggled to find without her help.”
“Hi Jane, you probably won’t accept credit for this, but I believe you saved my sister tonight. Her intuitive consultation with you at New Renaissance Bookshop changed everything. I’ve never seen her so clear and free. Thank you so much. With the highest respect, ...”
“My experience with Jane was life changing. I immediately felt comfortable and connected with her. It seemed like she saw my heart. She saw my strengths, that I haven’t been able to see in a long time. She saw my previous path and the path that I need to be on now. I feel lighter now. I feel healed. I feel like the person that Jane saw inside of me. I am so thankful for her and for gift. ”
“Jane exudes golden energy. She took time to explain her method, important for those who have not had readings before or experienced one from someone as skilled as Jane, and then she began her magic. As Jane verbalizes her visions, she also sketches them which further solidifies her ability. Jane provides inspiration for all that you know, but do not know. Jane saw, with such clarity, what is within. Through her readings, one can continue their life journey with direction, courage and confidence. I will be forever grateful for her ability and will be sharing my experience with others.”
“I’ve had many readings in the past four years working in a metaphysical bookstore. I’ve also had the honor of working with, what I consider to be, amazing shamanic healers, but Jane’s reading was truly life changing and healing for me! This humble, down to earth, unassuming angelic creature named Jane de Forest draws exquisitely accurate images of what is being shown to her by our guides and angels. Meanwhile she speaks quickly to clarify situations in our life and solutions for getting back on track where we might have veered off our path. The tree and Cape that has been mentioned to me by most psychics was finally explained through Jane’s brief but strong and clear clairvoyant abilities! I highly recommend Jane de Forest to those looking for a sparkling clear conversation with their guides and angels.”
“I found my reading with Jane to be tremendously beneficial. The tenderness that Jane brought to the reading helped me to feel accepted and loved and her insights will be of great benefit as I move forward.”
“I was introduced to Jane by a close friend who spoke of her amazingly accurate and insightful reading. I was very interested in having Jane tap into my energy to help me answer some key questions about my current life situation. I was impressed by her positive energy, integrity and intuition. Jane helped me to get clearer on who I am, helped me release negative energy and gave me some options to consider as I move forward in my journey towards enlightenment and my life’s purpose. I’m incredibly grateful for her gift and intuitive wisdom.”
“I instantly felt safe with you and Shaman and knew I was going to give my self to your wisdom. My life was feeling ungrounded and I needed guidance. Your pencil drew my wishy washy foundation without any words from me. I can’t tell you all the times those exact words came out of my mouth, “I feel as if our foundation is weak.” This confirmation opened the door to find solid ground, which is there, In my heart I knew this as well. I am walking today with a spring in my step, a smile on my face and my head looking up with hope of creating my home space with all the love and comfort I so desire. Thank you.
PS Thank you for the meditation link. ”
“Jane is the ‘real thing’ in a world where many question the value of an intuitive reading. Everything she told me had the ring of authenticity as she revealed to me things about the “departed” that nobody would have known but me. She was helpful in assessing events that are unfolding now and into the future. I will be revisiting Jane for her in-depth and valuable insights and I recommend her services to my clients regularly. ”
“I feel very fortunate to have found Jane deForest at a time when my perspective on the circumstances of my life had become stale and I was unable to see beyond its challenges. Through a combination of crystal clarity and artistic intuition, Jane was able to paint a portrait of my world from the perspective of opportunity and awakening, rather than defeat and power loss. She literally put me at the center of my story, accurately articulating the dynamics and individuals at play in my circumstances, and helped me to understand how the experiences, presenting as obstacles, were really gems of power and opportunities for me to get where I want to go. She did this not just through trying to convince me, but in connecting to a truth, that, when spoken connected deeply within me. Many times during our readings together, I found myself nodding my head in agreement or able to silently finish her sentences because the work she was doing was not about her, it was about reconnecting me to my own truth, my own power.
Jane is funny, upbeat, positive and lovely. I trust her completely, and that the information she is communicating is for the highest and best good. She is truly there, to help you.
I would highly recommend a session with Jane to anyone wanting to connect to the truth of their circumstances, willing to be open to a new and fresh perspective on a situation, or anyone simply wanting to reconnect with their own authenticity.”
“Thank you so much for the animal communication reading. It came at a time when my best friend Gretchen is coming to the end of her life and she’s not able to tell me how she feels in words (because she’s my dog) and you were able to tell me how she felt about what is happening. You helped me to understand she’s very tired but not in a lot of pain. She’s at peace with moving on but willing to stick around a little longer for me if I need her to. Your reading included specific details about Me, Gretchen and my horse Buddy that were very accurate and insightful and captured our personalities wonderfully. You have an amazing gift and I am so thankful that you choose to share it. It is comforting to know I have someone I can go to when I need some insight into myself or my animals. I am truly grateful to you for making this difficult time a little easier.”
“I feel so fortunate to have crossed paths with Jane. She is a gem. A light that shines so bright, you can’t help but walk away lighter in your step and energized. I went to see her at a pivoting time in my life. She provided this amazing drawing which she drew while we held our reading. It was uncanny how spot on she was. She actually drew the face of the gentleman I had been dating! She has an incredible gift. There is an ease about her that you trust. You trust that this message she receives for you is indeed Divine and she delivers it with compassion, humor and Grace. Yet, all the while, reminding us of our own essence, our own light!
Jane truly is a beautiful example of someone who is fully living their purpose; sharing her gift generously. She is a stand for our higher good and here to support our journey. Authentic and the real deal. I would recommend her to anyone…anytime!”
“I have had many Intuitive Readings over the past 17 years. No one has shown up so clear prior to and during the session as Jane did today. She paused, checked in continually with her guidance, spoke the Truth as she saw it and promptly sent the drawing she made to validate the information from Spirit. The guidance for the direction for www.BeyondYourGrief.com got me out of “the room without a door” so I left the session no longer depressed and discouraged!!”
“Jane is a gifted visionary. A reading with Jane is a journey that allows us to remember and know that love is an unbreakable connection.
Jane’s reading presented me with a message of love and connection with my daughter on the other side. I experienced it on all levels of my being and it revealed and validated to me the limitless power of love. Her reading built a golden bridge between the world of illusion & separation that we live in and the world of perfect love. All the barriers between me, and my beloved daughter on the other side were removed and remain so … the illusion of separateness disappeared and I know she is with me always.”
“Thank you for the beautiful drawing that you did with my consultation. What you do as an intuitive is amazing and extremely helpful. It was a great experience to get more insight about my business, myself and the dear people in my life.”
“Thank you for the delightful, insightful reading this evening. The wide open spaces, crystal clarity, yet grounded approach bring me great joy and create a safe space in which I can explore vulnerability and step more fully into my authenticity, into myself. Thanks for being amazing.”
“Jane has such a gift! I have had a few sessions with her and each one was incredibly enlightening and awe inspiring. To be able to connect with a loved one that is no longer here is truly an incredible experience which is difficult to sum up in words. Jane also provided some guidance on certain situations that helped me immensely.”
“My acupuncturist felt I had some type of block that was preventing me from healing, and she suggested I go see Jane. I’ve been intuitive, and had spiritual experiences since I was a child, and going to an intuitive was something I’d always wanted to do. I have strong gut feelings about people, and Jane seemed like the perfect person for me to see. She is very welcoming and kind. She made sure I had everything I needed from our reading. I’ve had a lifelong fear that she was able to free me from. Jane also described my family very precisely. Much of our time was spent communicating with my grandfather who passed when I was born. I have always had a strong spiritual connection to him, and he explained his role in my life and showed me my path, encouraging me. It has given me new ways of looking at old problems and opportunities. The experience with Jane has been life changing for me.
I highly recommend Jane to anyone interested in meeting with an intuitive or a medium. She offers a peace that I hadn’t been able to find elsewhere.”
“You lit up my grandchildren at your workshop! My grandson hasn’t talked to me so much in years as he did after your talk; he used the words “I was engaged!” you had him with the scientific approach! ”
“Jane, thank you for sharing your precious gift! I am amazed at your talent and your abilities. The session that we had was so enlightening! You have a beautiful spirit about you: which is fun and energetic. You gave me peace and freedom from my fears, which now ables me to move forward with my life. You showed me that each day is a precious gift that we need to be grateful for, regardless of whether the lesson is good or bad. Thank you for a wonderful reading! ”
“Somehow I had a sense that I needed to get in touch with Jane and am so glad I did. I found out why. At our first meeting, Jane quickly communicated with my deceased father. He told her things about me no one else knew. I can only believe she was able to tell me these things based on his presence surrounding me. For sure, it was clear she was able to convey his feelings of love and protection toward me.
Another time I saw her, she communicated to me through my grandmother who was like a mother to me. I had not previously told Jane this, but when my grandmother was dying, I drove from Seattle to Portland in the middle of the night to be with her as she died. On my way, at dawn, I saw a deer cross the freeway. It was somewhat unusual, I will never forget it and I have never seen it since. As Jane conveyed the presence of my grandmother, a fawn darted in front of us in her yard, it stopped to watch us for a long time. The coincidence was amazing, but what made the experience even more extraordinary was the immense feeling of love Jane was able to transcend as she was at that very moment communicating with my grandmother.
Jane has given me a sense of hope and peace by sharing these two experiences, allowing me to know that my father and my grandmother are always with me and guiding me. Beyond my personal experiences, I also engaged Jane in discussions to better understand her connections and communications. I wanted to know how things worked and how certain things were possible. We were able to connect on a very different level and explore what I would call another dimension. It is clear that not only is Jane gifted, but that she has studied and fully understands the foundation of her connections. Not only does she have the ability to communicate but she can also provide answers to why and how she is able to communicate. She is a learned scholar in her gift and her heart is enveloping.”
“I was in a difficult place in my life, and I was searching for something to help me through this tough spot. Jane was able to cut through to my essential issues which would’ve taken six months in traditional talk therapy. But most importantly she gave me mindfulness tools that I could assimilate quickly both into my thought patterns and my Christian faith. That has allowed me to live a much more harmonious life within myself and with my family members. My life has turned a 180 — I now feel empowered.”
“Jane was a breathe of fresh air! She is very pure and open when she is with you, plus has a great way of delivering a message. If you need even the most simple guidance she can do all of it!”
“Jane is an amazing aid to healing on both sides of the veil. When Jane described our coin collection in the odd place where we had hidden it (along with other obscure information) I knew she had the true gift of second sight. It gave me confidence that my late husband was really communicating with me, so in my heart, deep healing could take place. She is not only an intuitive but also a healer.
My late husband, Jim, and I had been together since we were 14 and 15, when he died at 49 years old I was hurt, lost and angry. I watched him hold on to anger his whole life. He held grudges and as often happens … he got cancer.
During the reading, my late husband apologized. I felt his love for me, but my healing process had been stuck in anger. During the reading, I also felt his pain when I had blamed him for leaving me, breaking our deal to grow old together. By understanding that I was hurting both of us with my anger I choose to forgive him and let my heart open again. As I felt the layers of “I’m sorry” sink in, like a rose opening slowly it unfurled in my heart and bloomed. Although I had forgiven him I realized he had not forgiven himself. Now that I have finished my healing steps I have regained my personal power whole-heartedly.”
“Your insight and special connection to spirit was the key to initiating contact with my daughter. With information from your intuitive consultation, I built a relationship with her stepmother and nurtured regular contact, ultimately my estranged daughter agreed to receive a letter from me while she was in a long term residential treatment facility for psychiatric and drug care. I have been waiting and praying through 17 years of estrangement for the opportunity to reunite with my daughter and we have just taken the first tenuous step to that reality. Beautiful, positively beautiful baby steps in this emerging mother daughter relationship. My heart is slowly mending and I am experiencing such joy from spending these long awaited times with my child. Bless you for sharing your gift with me and rekindling the hope that a reunion with my daughter was indeed possible. ”
“Things like this are hard to begin. How do you put into words the type of healing that occurs through soul-level knowledge? I would like to consider myself a connoisseur of the spiritual arts, it is my life’s passion. I had an idea of what to expect when I went to my consultation with Jane, but to be honest, I was completely blown out of the water. The experience begins when you walk in, and you are lovingly embraced by the most beautiful of energies. You know, at that moment, this is a place of Peace and Love, and you are at home. Throughout, Jane touched on things that I have never spoken to anybody about. Things that have been hidden deep inside that I was afraid to bring to light. She presents things in a way that is so loving, kind, and understanding, true healing is the only result. She helped me to forgive myself for the things that have happened in my life, and that is truly the best gift anyone could have ever given me. Whenever darkness occurs in our lives we tend to believe it is a reflection of self, deserved.
Jane exudes womanly strength and love, paired with her capacity to see past judgement and only see truth and love, she is an absolutely STUNNING soul. The kind of person you would trust with your life, your kids lives, and your pets lives. She is all of this, with a fun, sassy, Chicago attitude that makes you want to be her friend forever! Jane told me that she believes she gets about 80% of the picture. This is the only thing that I would disagree with her on. She gets 100% of the picture, its frame, and its surroundings. The gifts Jane gave me are the kind that change your entire life for the better. The kinds of things that are hard to explain in words.”
“I am still in a slight state of “aww” from the accuracy of our session. I probably could have sat and listened to Jane another 3 hrs. It was a very nice experience to meet Jane as well I am grateful for her kind words, wishes and inspiration. Overall, I just felt much better and at ease after our session. ”
“My husband and I have consulted with Jane twice for business readings. Both times we were at a crossroads, with difficult decisions to make and the path ahead not clear. Jane’s insight has been right on the mark and helped us look at our business growth and future potential through a wider lens. Her intuition that a certain contractor we were thinking of working with might not be a good fit for us was extremely helpful. I am certain we will consult with her again in the future.”
“I have had business readings with Jane. Her insight and perception of things that were going on were unreal! Thanks to her direction, I was able to strategize in ways that set me up for success. Jane is very insightful.”
“I wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed the reading you gave me. It has been a few years since that reading and in retrospect, I can honestly say your reading revealed almost exactly the way the situation in question unfolded.
My original inquiry involved questions concerning my new business and the relationship I was forming with another company. Two brothers owned the business who were potentially going to be my business mentors. I never described either one of them to you, yet you nailed their roles and personalities down to a tee. That was astonishing! In your reading you told me that this relationship would be a good working relationship but not very profitable. My primary reasons for the mentor/protégé relationship were joint ventures, experience and a track record. Although the joint projects were never very profitable, I did gain valuable knowledge and contacts that led to very profitable projects eventually growing a successful company winning government contracts (as you had predicted).
How your intuitive reading benefited me was by having that extra bit of information that gave me the foresight to focus on pursuing other profitable contracts on my own, knowing that the real value of this relationship would come in indirect ways. Fabulous! I so appreciate your honesty, sense of humor and your amazing abilities and would recommend you without hesitation. Looking forward to another reading soon.”
“Jane gave me a reading and unexpectedly, my father, who had made his transition several months before, showed up to communicate with me. Jane brought through a beautiful conversation that was clear, poignant and precious to my family and to me. I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to talk with him and receive the comfort that this exchange provided.”