Jane's Inspiration, LLC provides intuitive business and personal consultations, Jane deForest, an artist, intuitive and workshop facilitator. Workshops, seminars and classes are also available, featuring Jane's techniques for meditation, mindfulness, spiritual growth and life balance.
Her book, Adventures of a Reluctant Intuitive. A story of a psychic, clairvoyant, empath, intuitive medium who reluctantly discovers her gift and uses it to help people heal themselves and their relationships. In large part she helps people find their way back on to their spiritual paths, connect with what is authentic within them and create a positive future. She discovers that she is a medium, enabling her to communicate with spirits on the other side (after death communication), can understand what some animals are saying telepathically (animal communication) and she is able to see remotely (remote view) events in the past, present and potential future. Through telepathic communication with souls who have died and transitioned Home to Heaven, she is able to deliver messages to their grieving loved ones who remain behind, bringing hope and comfort.
Although she is not a psychic fortuneteller, she is able to see potential future events and they're changing nature. This discovery brings her ultimately to the understanding that the future is malleable and in great part dependent on the choices that people make in each moment. A person’s choice to forgive and love or to resent and hate will open doors of opportunity or slam them shut as well as create residual real life effects (karma, the golden rule, what-goes-around-comes-around). She is able to see in real time how what people think and feel about others, their life circumstances and their spiritual life colors their tomorrow.
She is able to also help business people survive, prosper and negotiate through the uncertain terrain of the corporate and small business world. Her exceptional psychic & intuitive skill enables her to "see" the potential success of certain ventures and the best strategies for new projects.
Her ability to communicate with animals, especially horses, captures the reader who loves animals. This provides a fascinating look at the intelligence and dignity of the animal world.