Sabbatical ‘ 21 Report - Adventures & Lessons from This Summer’s Break.
/Dear friends, family & community
My heart is full as I sit down to write this to you. Hoping all is well with you, your friends, family & community … these are difficult times. This is a long newsletter, but I have much to share that may help you now. The deepest and most powerful lessons are detailed below in “Sabbatical ’21 Report”… You are never alone, You have allies … and a few more ;-)
My schedule starting September 18th is below
Sabbatical ‘ 21 Report - Adventures & Lessons from This Summer’s Break.
+ ECETI - Enlightened Contact Extra Terrestrial Intelligence
If you’ve never made the journey to ECETI on Mt. Adams in SW Washington, you may consider making the pilgrimage. We attended the annual conference while camping in our new yurt tents. By day we walked the Galactic Medicine Wheel and Pleiadian Circle and listened to fascinating presenters. By night we sky-watched. 100 people or so were stretched out on lawn chairs wrapped in blankets, surveying a brilliant star studded night … the Milky Way so bright it ran like a river across the sky. Some people had binoculars, others night-vision goggles, some lasers … we were all there to hunt UFOs! Beyond the obvious planes & satellite … we were really witnessing unidentified flying objects!
Eceti summer conference
Some craft, traveling at phenomenal heights & speeds, flashed their lights in response to the lasers, and some completely disappeared while others made right-angle turns. Several years ago I saw a UFO fly directly into a doorway (portal?) at the upper area of Mt Adams. I also saw orbs with my own eyes, using night-vision glasses, shapes that were very definitely round orbs, NOT insects. The orbs flew in & out of trees, around people & into the ground … were they fairies, tree spirits or souls? We later made a trek up to 7,000 ft, deep into the Yakama Nation, a Native American reserve where we spoke to a young tribal man who told us that the “Old Ones” have lived on the mountain since ancient times.
Lesson #1. We are NOT alone — In my opinion, our space siblings & cousins are real & really out there! There is a community beyond Mother Earth, perhaps a Galactic community. We are NOT alone, there are multiple dimensions here that are teaming with life, fairies, mountain spirits, water spirits … a complex magical community. It’s time to open up to the possible!
+ Mt. Shasta
The annual Hierarchy Of Light Conference is held in the charming town of Mt. Shasta, in the northern region of California. Known for it’s wild beauty and UFO activity, many have experienced encounters with “The Tall Whites,” an ancient race of people from Atlantis, thought to have moved into Mt. Shasta before the flood 12,000-ish years ago. Several speakers at the Conference described being taken by 8-14 ft. Atlantans to a city deep beneath the earth.
My presentation focused on “The Ferryman”, ancient and modern spirit guides, or psychopomps, who help newly disincarnate souls find their way back to their spirit’s home. Our modern culture is starting to remember this timeless wisdom, thank Goddess! We met so many lovely people with interesting ideas and open hearts. My teas & potions were well received … but more about that later.
Mt Shasta 1/4 mile mandala, created with serpentine standing stones shot through with black tourmaline.
On our way back home, we found ourselves on a truly enchanted journey inside of a 1/4 mile mandala, created with serpentine standing stones shot through with black tourmaline. The mandala keeper, Shalimar, gave us the grand tour of this megalith, equipt with giant pyramids & star tetrahedrons! Shout out to my lovely hosts: Patricia, Tyson, Starlite & Scott!
Lesson #2. Suspending disbelief encourages new ideas for negotiating these changing times. We are NOT alone, we have spiritual help.
+ The Mother of Us All
Mother honored in my hallway
Mother Earth is speaking through many people’s creativity & meditations these days, which perhaps is an aspect of the Divine Feminine emerging. She supports us, she provides everything we need … she is the Mother of us all. I felt compelled to paint a portrait of Mom surrounded by sky on our hallway walls with latex & acrylic paint … perhaps Mother Earth herself had sent me this design directive! In my hypnosis session with Allison Coe this summer, I saw the importance of honoring Gaia on her natural holidays: Solstice & Equinox, and joining our voices together in song! This will make a huge difference in our future’s course. Shout out to the lovely young people who helped with all the trim paint: Ashe, Donna & Jake!
Lesson #3. Getting creative in a positive way opens a portal or connection to higher dimensions, making it easy to feel empowered and simultaneously difficult to be in fear. Remember, Mother Earth bats last!
+ The Phoenix Rises
While we were at ECETI, my brother called, “it’s time to come, Dad is near the end.” Such a call is never easy to receive, and it shook me. I took a moment to reflect and then check in with my guidance. In my mind’s eye I saw my father Richard, or rather a translucent version of him, standing next to his body in bed. Mildred & Ben, his parents (my grandparents) were standing in the room a short distance away. My brother was right … his transition from this world was near. So we packed up camp and started the complicated but breathtaking journey from Mt Adams through the Snoqualmie pass, across the Puget Sound to Whidbey Island … praying all the way.
Snoqualmie pass, WA
I bought white lilies & candles in anticipation, as they are the ancient symbol of rebirth (think Jesus & Easter), also the best scent to transcend the veil. Lilies are recognised as important for aiding souls on their final journey Home.
On the island ferry I closed my eyes & checked in on my guidance again, Mildred’s spirit was at the foot of Richard’s bed. His time was short.
At his home we were greeted by loving family that had been attending to him with great care. A hospital bed was in the living room & he was now comatose. Compassion flowed from me as I sat down. My mind raced … “Had I been a good daughter? No, I could have been better. Did I tell him I loved him last time we talked? Yes, yes, I did!” Thank Goddess, in that last conversation from the hospital two weeks prior, we reviewed afterlife communication.
“Hey Richard, when you make it Home will you give me a sign?” I gingerly requested.
“Well, I’m not sure if I will survive death — you live, you die … then pfffts, that’s it.” My father was funny even in his last act.
“Well, I have it on pretty good authority that you will live beyond your death,” I offered. He did not entirely believe that an afterlife existed, so my communication with loved ones in that supposed afterlife was questionable at best.”Let’s come up with a sign which you can send to me, just in case you make it to the pearly gates.”
“A Phoenix,” he said thoughtfully.
My amazing family graciously allowed me to do several things that I knew would help him on his final sojourn in this life:
Altar. The coffee table was perfect — our family gathered my father’s photos, his important possessions and a white candle.
Music. We set up a laptop playing classical music, Bach cello suites.
Lilies. They were placed near his head.
I closed my eyes & checked in on my guidance again. Both Mildred’s & Ben’s spirits were at the foot of Richard’s bed. His time was becoming shorter.
Finally it was time to pray. I pray best with my pencil. Sitting next to my father’s comatose body I drew his face, then the phoenix symbol … his parents, Mildred & Ben. As I drew, I prayed hard. As I prepared to draw a halo around his head I heard a startling “NO” in my mind … next I drew the doorway to Heaven, and on it, “Welcome.”
My husband bent down to whisper in my father’s ear, “we’re all here Richard, and complete, if you are. Your son & I can take care of the family. If you need to go … we have this covered. It’s ok to be free … love you always.” I closed my eyes & checked in on my guidance again: Mildred’s spirit had moved the head of her son’s bed. Just then the doorbell rang — Hospice was there for a visit.
Allowing them privacy, I walked through his wooded driveway, my mind numb. Then I felt a blanket of effervescent love energy wrap around me … Richard? Daddy? In my mind’s eye my father stood, wearing is favorite photographer’s vest and leather US Post Office satchel. Then he sent me that gift — it was a powerful feeling of unconditional love that permeated my soul. You see in life, my father was reserved with his affection, so feeling his love was truly priceless gift.
“Jane, come quick … Dad passed … just now!”
“Yes he did,” I thought to myself.
At his bedside I placed three lilies on his heart, roses around his head & rose petals over his body. As I picked up my pencil to pray with his body for the last time … my hand automatically drew a halo over my father’s head.
After three days he rose again, and that is when the phoenix signs began… and they were so frequent it was stupefying. We passed Phoenix, Oregon, on our way to Mount Shasta, Phoenix Red was the featured beer at dinner that night. My booth neighbor at the Shasta event sold T-shirts boldly sporting phoenix patterns, semi’s had phoenix emblems, Phoenix Roofing across the road, and on and on … no doubt … my father made it to Heaven.
Lesson #5 Reminder —love never dies. We never really loose our people — they are always with us & we can communicate with them! Ceremony & prayer are so important in helping souls at their time of transition from this world, on their journey Home.
+ Teas and Potions: Bug 19 vs. Antidote 91
Bug 19 is as much a virus of the body as the mind… and perhaps the soul! It infects people with fear, hopelessness and separation. My quiet time & deep prayer this summer was devoted to searching for some way to help with the profound suffering afflicting many of my family, friends and community. What came clearly into my consciousness was that Mother Nature always has an antidote. Mother Nature bats last!
I was guided to TONS of research on herbal remedies & to Psalm 91 (the reverse of 19). There is much wisdom in this short passage about overcoming fear & disease ... the antidote ... faith, the unequivocal understanding that we are NOT alone, our Creator is always with us. This spiritual realization and devotional practice is what will guide & protect us. Since it is written in old-fashioned language (and a little heavy on the patriarchal), I translated it into modern Divine Feminine. Here is the link:
My guidance that led me to TONS of research on herbal remedies both cutting edge and ancient wisdom … also led me to create "Antidote 91" tea, to help several dear ones in my life who have jab regret and side effects. More and more research is emerging about Mother Nature’s pharmacopeia and its effect on our health situation.
Upcoming Courses:
Intuition & Art 101
Interested in learning how to unlock the secrets of your own intuitive ability? In this fun & informative course, you will learn my “automatic art” technique, discover your unique Psi code, learn the chakra anatomy of intuition and how ancient ancestors created mystery schools to dispense this forbidden knowledge. You will learn basic tools, get practical experience, practice, and meet like-minded people. On Zoom.
Part One, Sunday, September 26, 10am-12:00pm PDT
Part Two, Sunday, October 10, 10am-12:00pm PDT
Part Three, Sunday, October 24, 10am-12:00pm PDT
Shaman’s Journey & Art
Is your soul ready to heal? Is it time to take your power back? In this three-part course, you will have a rare opportunity to experience three deep and powerful classic Shamanic journeys. From the Shaman’s perspective, fatigue, illness, depression, spiritual confusion and loss of abundance are symptoms of spiritual problems in the subtle realms—over time they can become physical. There are two major reasons for this: soul loss from past trauma and disconnection with spiritual guidance or a “Power Animal.” The Shaman’s solution is to help you collect & assimilate your lost soul fragments and find & reconnect with your Power Animal & guides. On Zoom.
Part One “Shamanic Journey” Sunday, November 7, 10am-12:00pm PST
Part Two “Power Animal” Saturday, November 20, 10am-12:00pm noon PST
Part Three “Soul Retrieval” Saturday, December 4, 10am-12:00pm noon PST
Blessings to All as we step on to the path of nourishing rain, Fall Equinox, and Harvest celebrations.
be well, with love & light,