January 21st at 12:53 pm; birth of Lunar Year with first New Moon of 2023
/Hello beautiful souls,
On January 21st at 12:53 pm, it is the birth of the first New Moon of 2023, (after Winter Solstice … remember that it lasts three days from the 22nd to 25 December) marking the beginning of the lunar calendar. A time of death and rebirth, blessing last lunar year and planting intentions for this fresh new lunar year.
It is a wonderful time to create a vision board or creative project to focus your powerful creative energy and harness your consciousness into manifesting in this physical dimension. When people use their creative energy it enhances their electromagnetic field, or aura.
When a client comes in expressing their creative selves on a regular basis, the field around their body is huge, dynamic and beautiful. Often times just spending five or 10 minutes a day engaging in some creative expression makes a huge difference.
Everyone has something important to express, it doesn't matter if your creation a best seller, recognized by the masses, or makes a billion dollars … Truly what's important is how it changes who you are.
So I invite you at this powerful time of death/rebirth/birth to contemplate what you would like to manifest in your life in this coming year. Gather your art supplies and find a quiet place and focus.