Happy Friday The 13th

Happy Friday the 13th. One of the most sacred of days in the ancient world ... when the Goddess' sacred day & number converge. Her sacred day was/is Friday, and her sacred number was 13, reflecting the 13 Moon cycles in a Solar Year.

She was deeply connected to the Moon & moisture, as the Moon influences all liquid on Mother Earth. The Goddess is know by many names ... Venus,, (born on a half shell), Aphrodite, Isis and of course the only remaining contemporary Goddess ... Mother Mary. Her name reveals traces of her lineage through language, Latin: mare ‘sea’.

The custom of honoring & worshiping the Goddess of moisture, was by eating her fish (symbolically her sacrament) on Friday… later assimilated into Christian worship, and secular tradition, ie "Fish Friday".

It was customary in ancient times on Friday the 13th, to honor this super sacred day by sharing love (as She is also the Goddess of love & fertility. Fertility because the womb room is water, all mammals are aquatic creatures before birth, then become land creatures after birth). So couples would stay home and frolic in sacred union!

By the time the patriarchy got a foot hold, these practices we're considered, well a bit heathen ... and so Friday the 13th became defamed and adversely effected by a misinformation campaign

On Saturday Jan, 21st, the first New Moon is born after Winter Solstice (which ends December 25, when the Sun/Son is reborn/born), which marks the beginning of the Lunar Year. It is a

wonderful time

to set intentions and create a vision board for yourself.

If you are interested in joining my free Moon Gathering twice a month, to sign up go here: On-line https://www.janesinspiration.com/moon-gatherings

There will be a one hour free studio session online to create sacred space for people the manifest through your creativity ... get those art supplies out & get ready to make stuff!


Jane de Forest